Daily Devotional

We Hear, But Don’t Listen

Scripture Ezekiel 33:31 So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain.

Observation: That is true today. Christians hear the word of the Bible, but we don’t obey what it says. We may on occasion be obedient, but in the long haul we do what we want and disobey God’s Word. We think we know better or we just want what we want. We are so busy building treasures here on Earth we forget the true treasures are being obedient and storing them in Heaven.

Application: I know God’s word and He makes it clear what He desires of me. I must be diligent in doing all that God requires and not just the times that it is convenient for me. I need to hear and obey not for treasures, but out of the love I have for my Father.

Prayer Dear Dad, I don’t understand your love, but I do know what You desire. I’ve heard your words and help give me strength to be obedient to all You desire of me. May I show my love for You each day.

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