Daily Devotional

Jesus is My Sheppard

Scripture Ezekiel 34:23 I will establish one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them—My servant David. He shall feed them and be their shepherd.

Observation: This chapter tells of the bad Sheppard’s the priests of the time. Like some of the pastors today that get rich from their flock and teach false doctrine of getting rich by praying. They lead people falsely and don’t teach correct doctrine. Jesus is the only Sheppard and everything we need to know is in God’s Word. Before we receive any information we need to make sure it’s correct by comparing it to God’s Word.

Application: I need to live my life according to God’s word. I need to challenge things that I hear to make sure it’s in line with what God says. I’m not here to push my agenda and opinions but to share God’s word with others.

Prayer Dear Lord open my eyes to your Word and that I will always be obedient in what it says. Help me understand scripture and to study what You desire of me.

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