Daily Devotional

Waiting for My Inheritance

Scripture Daniel 12:13 “But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”

Observation: I know I don’t deserve rewards or an inheritance, but my Heavenly Dad wants to give them to me. He loves me and I don’t understand why, but I knew He does. I know I have a place in Heaven thanks to my Lord and Savior, again another undeserved gift. Rewards are translated wages and what we do for God is our wages. Going down to the beach each day I feel is part of my job, but when I do it God blesses me so much, I would think that was reward enough.

Application: I need to work every day and introduce as many as I can to my boss. It sure doesn’t seem like work and I look forward every day to go there. I worked in the food service industry all of my working years and it came naturally to me and I feel I was very good at it. However, this job fits me even better and I’m a very happy employee.

Prayer Oh Lord, I love You so much and I know You know that. I thank you for the job You have given me to do. May I complete my tasks in a way that always makes you proud. May I open the eyes of any one that you place in my path of the greatest boss ever. May I always strive to be employee of the month.

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