Daily Devotional

Return to the Lord

Scripture Hosea 14:2 Take words with you,
And return to the LORD.
Say to Him,
“Take away all iniquity;
Receive us graciously,
For we will offer the sacrifices of our lips.

Observation: America has strayed so far from the Lord. Even His children are not as close as we should be. To return to the Lord is to be obedient to His commands and our purpose. We have gotten too comfortable here and receive what the world offers too easily. God says if we would return to Him, He would receive us graciously and take away our iniquity.

Application: It’s time to return to our first love, God. He deserves our praise, worship and love and we need to give that. This should not just be a private thing but a commitment that others will see. If we plan on bringing others to God, we must first show others our love and commitment to Him.

Prayer Dear Lord forgive us. I know we don’t deserve it and we don’t understand the depths of Your love, but we do know that You love us. May we repent of our evil ways and return to you with our whole heart, because you deserve the best we have.

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