Daily Devotional

Tell Our Children

Scripture Joel 1:3 Tell your children about it,
Let your children tell their children,
And their children another generation.

Observation: One of the problems today is that we don’t talk to our children. There is so much to do and we don’t take time with them. Parents should be the ones that talk to their children about God and life. We allow others to teach them and we are surprised when we find out they were taught lies. If our children have the truth taught them by the ones that love them they would be better prepared to deal with the lies, but if all they know is lies that is what they will believe.

Application: My children are grown and they have their own children now. I was not a good father and did not spend time with my children or teach them anything of any use. My grandchildren are getting older and they will be going out on their own. I now try to set a better example, but I still haven’t spent time telling them the truth about the gospel. I need to find a way to spend time with them so they will know the truth.

Prayer My Lord give me wisdom and courage to approach my children and grandchildren and to speak the truth to them. That they may know You and your love and mercy. You are the only thing that matters.

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