Daily Devotional

The Value of Children

Scripture Joel 3:3 They have cast lots for My people,
Have given a boy as payment for a harlot,
And sold a girl for wine, that they may drink.

Observation: This is so sad that we don’t value our children more than we do. Jesus wanted the children to come to Him and He warned if anyone harmed a child it would be better if they had a millstone tied around them and thrown in the sea. Today we abort children in the ninth month, pedophile punishment is a joke, sex trafficking is rampant and fatherless homes are greater than ever. How this must hurt the heart of God.

Application: We need to do whatever we can to turn this around. I donate to an organization that helps children from sex trafficking. There is legislation that needs to be passed to protect our children and if a man fathers a child, he needs to be responsible for fathering that child. A child needs to know they are important and must be taught the word of God so they may know the true love that He has for them.

Prayer Father help us please take care of Your children. Help us show them the love that You have for us and them. May they not feel like outcast but an important part of Your family.

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