Daily Devotional

Hate Evil, Love Good

Scripture Amos 5:15 Hate evil, love good;
Establish justice in the gate.
It may be that the LORD God of hosts
Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.

Observation: You would think that would be common sense to hate evil and love good, but not in this world. It’s as if we can’t distinguish from good and evil anymore. There isn’t much justice as child molesters and criminals go free and if you have enough money you won’t have to suffer the consequences of your crime. When Jesus said the ruler of this world is Satan, you can see it all around.

Application: Even though Satan might rule this world, Jesus will intercede if we call on Him. He wants His children to cry out and hate evil and love goodness. We each have a small part we can play, but if we all do our part it will make all the difference in the world.

Prayer Dear Lord I pray that your return will be soon, but may your children do their part in making sure justice is done. Hear our cries as we come to you for help and guidance.

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