Daily Devotional

To Be a Beloved Son

Scripture Luke 3:22 And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”

Observation: I don’t expect or are worthy of the Holy Spirit coming down and hearing God’s voice say that I’m His beloved son that He is well pleased with. However, I do want to learn to live each day in a way that will please God to know in my spirit that I did something during the course of the day that pleased my Lord. God has filled me with the Holy Spirit and if I would just be quiet long enough, I could hear His directions for my life.

Application: I need to seek and hear the directions of the Holy Spirit and follow them. God gave me the Holy Spirit for just that to do the will of my Father. He doesn’t ask a lot from me and gives me simple tasks to perform that will please Him I just need to get out of my own way so that I may follow His.

Prayer Dear Holy Spirit dwell within me that I may know what it is You are calling me to do. Put people in my path that I may be able to help and encourage with Your love. I’m your bondservant and desire to please and at the end of the day know that I was well pleasing to You.

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