Jesus Cried?
Scripture Luke 8:8 But others fell on good ground, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold.” When He had said these things He cried, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
Observation: I never noticed this before that Jesus cried after telling them the parable. I’m not sure why He would cry except that He knew those who would receive the word have a heavenly home to go to and those who don’t will go to eternal punishment. He must have looked out and knew those who weren’t going to receive the word and it broke His heart.
Application: God has called His children to work in the field and spread the seed. It’s up to the Holy Spirit to touch those heart that are ready to receive the word and to also go and work the field. I need to be ready to spread the word of God whenever I’m called, may I see the fruit of my labor in Heaven.
Prayer Dear Lord, You have entrusted me with a task that can help change eternity for someone. I’m not the one that makes the seed grow, but You call on me to be the one that sows. May I be used by You to increase the harvest in glory and honor to You.