God’s Will Be Done
Scripture Luke 22:42 saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
Observation: I don’t know how many times I ask God for things in prayer without considering is this God’s will? God asks me for simple things and yet I still struggle. I try to deny that certain things are God’s will because I would prefer not to do them and those are the times I need to be the most obedient doing them exactly as God calls me to. Looking back those are the times I’m at peace and closest to God.
Application: I’ve been walking with my Lord for over twenty years and I feel I know His will for my life. I need to be better doing what God calls me to do without any hesitation and in full obedience. The cup He gives me to drink is why I’m here in the first place. He never asks me for too much and He is always with me to make sure it is accomplished.
Prayer My Lord be with me today as I walk. May Your will be done and use me to be the vessel You desire me to be. I thank you for these opportunities You give me and may they always be done to please You.