Daily Devotional

The Power of Prayer

Scripture Acts 12:5 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.

Observation: On my journeys I’ve personally seen the power of prayer. God has allowed me to see answered prayer as I walk the strand. We do not take prayer seriously enough and tell others I’ll pray for you and don’t. God hears the prayers of His children when they’re sincere and when two or more are gathered He is there in the midst. We need to pray expecting that God has heard us and will answer according to His will.

Application: I’m so blessed to be on the journey God has me on. When I allow the Holy Spirit to take over then sit back and let Him speak to His child I witness miracles. God has allowed me to see answered prayer and that He is listening and active in our lives. I need to start my day in prayer and pray that God will use this simple vessel to glorify Him.

Prayer My Lord thank you for listening to your servant and allowing me to be used by You. Keep me humble as I walk among my brothers and sisters and have me step aside as You speak to your children.

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