Daily Devotional

Do Not Keep Silent

Scripture Acts 18:9 Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent;

Observation: It’s so much easier to be silent than to make a stand. For most of us confrontation is hard unless of course we are defending ourselves. God will give us moments when we are not to be silent but to tell someone about our Lord. It is our calling to do so and there are scriptures that say if we don’t, we are responsible to what happens to them but if we tell them and they don’t receive the message of Jesus it will be on their own head.

Application: God continues to work on my courage as I speak to people each day. I’m in the word daily so God has planted scripture in my heart to be used to help others and myself. God has been bold with me making sure that I came to His saving grace, using others to guide me. I’m now called to be such a guide for others.

Prayer Dear Lord You already know who I will meet today. Fill me with the Holy Spirit that I may say the right words of comfort and hope. I’m your servant and vessel use me as You desire.

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