Daily Devotional

Questions About Jesus

Scripture Acts 25:19 but had some questions against him about their own religion and about a certain Jesus, who had died, whom Paul affirmed to be alive.

Observation: People have questions about Jesus if not we would all be believers. Those that are searching want to know about the Son of God and we are called to give an answer when they ask. The Holy Spirit can use us to tell others about our Lord and why we believe. One of our responses should be our testimony and how God has directed our lives and saved us.

Application: I’m blessed that I get to see new people each day and that I have an opportunity to share my testimony and pray with them. I don’t rehearse a speech but wait for them to approach and rely on the Holy Spirit to speak through me. I need to be in God’s will and this is what He has called me to do at this time and I never had some much joy in doing anything else.

Prayer My Lord, I thank you for assigning me this task to talk with your children. Continue to use me today and put anyone that wants to know more about you in my path and speak to them. May you enjoy your day with me today as I always enjoy each day with you.

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