My Father’s Glory
Getting Over Depression Journal
Scripture: John 15:8] This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
Observation: The only reason I exist is to bring glory to the Father. He is my creator and everything I have and am is His. It is not good enough to tell Him I love Him if I don’t show it. I need to show my Father and others I love and belong to Him. The only way I can do this is using my gifts, talents and love to do for others in His name. I shouldn’t have to say a word for others to see I belong to God.
Application: To continue to use my gifts, talents and time for God’s glory. To bear fruit in this world to honor God and to get off my butt and get busy serving.
Prayer: My Lord open my eyes to the opportunities to bear fruit for you. May there be a harvest in my life that will feed others.