Storing Up My Treasures
Scripture: Matthew 6: [20] But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Observation: I continue to store up treasures in this place using my resources that God has given me to buy things here instead of using them to store up treasures in heaven. One of the greatest treasures is my time and lately I feel I’m hording it for myself instead of giving it to God. He asks so little of me yet I give him even less.
Application: I need to plan my time and treasures better for the kingdom. I need to get more involved with church or projects that honor God. Before buying something I need to ask myself can this money be spent more wisely for God.
Prayer: My Lord, this sinner is selfish, please change my focus to you and your children and show me how to build my treasures in heaven.