Everything is Possible
Scripture: Mark 9: 23 ” `If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”
Observation: It seems the scriptures that deal with faith speak out to me. God keeps telling us that nothing is impossible for us who believe. He has shown that in my life, yet my faith is still so weak, why? How can I get that confidence in my Lord and Savior? I believe in my Lord and that there is nothing He can’t do, but my question is why would He want to do it for me?
Application: God has a plan for my life and He wants to work through me for His glory. This life is not about me, but bringing others to Him. When I believe that then all things are possible because He will then work out His will for my life, because He loves me.
Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes to your will and take charge of this life. Complete the task you began in me and complete it for your glory.