I Want to be Worthy
Getting Over Depression Journal
Scripture: Acts 5: 41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.
Observation: I want to be counted worthy by God. Whether suffering for His name, fulfilling the purpose for my life, honoring Him with all I have, I just want to please Him. I want the feeling a small child has when they please their Father. I want to make a gift out of my life that I can give and bring a smile to my Father’s face.
Application: Stop being so concerned about what is happening in this world and live my life for God. No matter what, be that light for God to people around me. Live a life worthy of my Lord and Savior.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me be that man you call me to be. May the choices I make always glorify you. Show me how to be worthy.