Hearing The Good News
Scripture: Acts 13: 48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.
Observation: When I heard the Word of the Lord it changed my life, bringing me joy and a purpose. I heard the word from my son-in-law at first, then my pastor and others around me. Now it’s my time to allow others to hear the word of God through me. God continues to open avenues for me to share His word, may I be obedient and do it.
Application: Search for those who need to hear the word of God and be bold to share. Be a person others want to talk to leaving myself open to share my testimony with them.
Prayer: Dear Lord use your servant to share with others your love and desire for them. May I be able to see them in heaven as they share eternal life with me.