Keep on Speaking
Scripture: Acts 18: 9 One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.
Observation: Each day I’m afraid. Now I worry about money, my job and I bought a car I shouldn’t have and put us in a bad financial situation. My thoughts are occupied with poor decisions I’ve made and what do I do about it now? Things like this effect my ministry and speaking out to others. It effects my disposition that others see. I talk about my problems instead of talking about Jesus.
Application: I have nothing to fear if I believe God is in charge. I have decisions to make, but I make them with the guidance of God. I need to trust God completely and make Him top priority in my life along with doing His will.
Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith that I will trust you with all of my heart. Lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge you and you will make my path straight.