Who Am I?
Scripture: Acts 19: [15] One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?”
Observation: I wonder if they know about me? Is my life so ineffective for Christ the demons don’t know me or worried what I might accomplish in glory and honor to God. So who am I? A disciple of my Lord Jesus Christ or just someone trying to make it through this life without much regard what my Lord and Savior wants from me.
Application: I need to establish who I am in Christ. Am I going to fulfill the purpose God has put on my life or am I going to ignore God and make no difference in this world before I go home.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m tired of being useless, caring for my needs here instead of serving my purpose for you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit, guide me and open my eyes to Your will.