What Have I Done?
Scripture: Romans 2: [6] God “will give to each person according to what he has done.”
Observation: What have I done or doing and if I don’t change will I honor God. Yes I do some good things that honor God and yes I do more than some others, but do I do enough? No, not even close. God has opened the door for me to accomplish so much in His name and I pick and chose determining on how I feel. God has blessed me so much that if all I did for 24 hours in a day was to honor God with the gifts He has given me I wouldn’t come close to repaying Him.
Application: Look for opportunities to do something that will honor God. Not worry about having a time to relax, but enjoy the time God gives me to serve Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord you’ve created me for a purpose, may I fulfill that purpose. May I have done so much in this place when I come home there will be so much for me to give back as an offering to You.