Spiritual Words
Getting Over Depression Journal
Scripture: I Corinthians 2: [13] This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.
Observation: For me to speak the words of God I need to be in the spirit. My life needs to be given to God. To read His word with an open mind and heart avoiding distractions. That my heart and soul is prepared and focused on Him. I need to get out of the way and let the spirit take charge so I may do the will of the Father. When I open my mouth to speak it needs to be the words of love from the Holy Spirit and not the babbling of me.
Application: I need to allow the holy Spirit to work through me by being open and focused on God. Stop spending so much time pleasing me and start living this life to please God.
Prayer: Dear Lord give me peace and open my heart totally to you that the words that come out of me are yours to help others know you better.