Do I Love?
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
Observation: I am not patient, I do envy, I do boast and most of the time I’m proud and not kind enough. So how can love reside in me? It doesn’t. My pride tells me I’m this good Christian man, but how can I be without love. All the characteristics of love I don’t have , at least in the proportion God calls me to have them.
Application: Love is not a feeling, but something I need to strive for. I need to make an effort to be loving. I need to calm down and be patient. I need to look at the blessings God has given me and not envy. I need to realize all I have comes from God so I have nothing to boast about or to be prideful of and I need to make the effort to be kind.
Prayer: Dear God may I show the love you give me to others. May they know you through me.