Fixing Our Eyes
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4: [18] So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Observation: My focus each day is more what is seen, my work, finances and my enjoyment. At the end of each day the time I spend honoring God compared to the time I spend focused on things of this world, well God comes up short each day. My creator, the giver of life both now and for eternity receives so little of me, yet I receive everything good from Him.
Application: Instead of fixing my eyes on the things seen, which are the same each day, I need to fix them on my God. I know what He desires of me, He wants me to serve others in His name, draw nearer to Him in prayer and reading His word, and to become more like His Son.
Prayer: Dear Lord wake me up each morning with my eyes and heart set on You. Strengthen me so I do not stray during the course of the day, but that I stay on the path you choose for me.