Building Up the Church
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14: [12] So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church.
Observation: God has blessed me with certain gifts, some I use to build up the church, others I use selfishly. At times my pride holds back the use of these gifts and other times I accept the praise of others without pointing to God who gave them to me. Most, if not all the gifts and talents God has given me can benefit the church, but I use them sparingly instead of generously.
Application: God gave me my gifts and talents for His use, not mine. I need to stop being so lazy and find ways to use my gifts to glorify God.
Prayer: Dear Lord I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice, make it holy and pleasing to you. May the talents you have given me multiply back to you.