Boast in the Lord
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10: [17] But, “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.”
Observation: Unfortunately my boasting is about me most of the time. I forget whatever I have or can do only comes from God. God deserves any credit for anything I might accomplish. To often I seek the praise of man, which wouldn’t bee too bad if I then pointed them to God who allows me to do the things I do.
Application: I need to be more humble in the things I do. I need to boast about my Lord and Savior and all He has done for me and through me. My love for God should be so obvious that after talking to me they should know God a little better.
Prayer: Dear Lord you deserve all my love, obedience, praise and time. Show me Lord how to live my life in glory and honor to You.