All Men to be Saved
Scripture: 1 Timothy 2: [4] who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Observation: God wants all men to be saved, yet we like to pick and choose who we think should be saved. I know not everyone will be saved, but I have a duty to reach as many people as I can for Christ. I need to make the same effort for those I like and those I dislike. If I was living as God calls me to live I would love everyone.
Application: I need to take the focus off me and start to become concerned for others as God expects me to be. Look for opportunities to tell others about Christ or at least show Christ’s love to others by the way I treat them.
Prayer: My Lord guide this servant today and each day to be your messenger. Have me go out of my way to witness to others, telling them of your gift of eternal life and the special purpose you have for them.