Fight the Good Fight
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6: [12] Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Observation: To have faith for me sometimes is a battle. I’m still so much in the flesh I get wrapped up in this life and I lose site of God. I get so focused on my problems I loose site of my problem solver and the reason I’m here. Even now with the problems at my work I’m trying to force things and looking at the worst scenario instead of having faith that God has something more for me.
Application: Trust in God with all my heart lean not on my own understanding. Do what I feel God is calling me to do, make sure my decision line up with His word and live each day by faith.
Prayer: My God increase my faith. Help me focus on you and your desires for my life. May I wait on you and be at peace as I wait.