A Man of God
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3: [17] so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Observation: That is what I want to be, “a man of God.” I remember a story about a football player they named “MOG”(Man of God), because he didn’t compromise his faith. That is what I want to be known as by the people who know me. It has been on my heart to get busy for God and start fulfilling my purpose to do good works.
Application: I need to continue to read my Bible and really study and understand what is in the Bible. I need to get thoroughly equipped. God has put on my heart small groups, counseling and to finish rewriting my book and yet I spend very little time doing any of it. I need to devote myself on accomplishing what God has given me to do.
Prayer: Dear Lord show me how to be thoroughly equipped to do the work you call me to do. Give me success in being the man of God you want me to be.