The Lord is My Helper
Scripture: Hebrews 13: 6 So we say with confidence,
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?”
Observation: Most of the time I think I’m alone living this life. I let the worries of this world overwhelm me. The worries are too much for anyone to bare on their own that is why we have Jesus as our helper. What can this world do to me? I’m only here for a short time.
Application: I will do my best and depend on Christ to help with the rest. The only thing I need to accomplish is to live a life worthy of my Lord. Fulfilling the purpose He has given me. I need to stop worrying about my job, health, appearance and focus on Jesus and know that He is with me every step of the way.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for never abandoning me and sticking with me in spite of all I’ve done wrong. Be with me now and help me to live this life in glory and honor to You.