Who Do I Serve?
Scripture: Acts 27: [23] Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me
Observation: I belong to God and He should be the one I serve, but do I? Every morning I wake up and pray and ask Him how I might serve and please Him that day, but it doesn’t take long before I’m doing my own thing. This morning first thing I had a call from my boss which turned my stomach and turned my thoughts to anger and even now I can’t let it go. If I truly belonged to God and served Him I would trust Him and not be in the state I’m in now.
Application: To belong and serve I must trust God with everything and know He is in charge. Every action and word should show others I belong to my God, that is the way to serve Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord take charge of this servant and open my eyes to all you desire of me. May I serve you this day and others notice who I belong to.