Month: March 2019

Doing God’s Will

Scripture: Mark 3:35 Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.

Observation: God’s will is what and why we were created. We have a purpose and that purpose is to do the will of the Father. When we are in God’s will we are his children. Obedient children can be used by God. Being in God’s will brings us peace, gives us joy, brings blessings and honors God. Why would we not do it then? Because we are selfish and what things on are terms.

Application: Forget my plans and ask God what his plans are for me. His good and perfect will. Pray each morning for his direction and guidance, asking myself when I do something is this going to honor God and draw someone closer to him. If not, it must not be God’s will.

Prayer: Dear Lord I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice, may it be holy and pleasing to you, that I may live this life in your will, glorifying you.

Calling Sinners

Scripture: Matthew 2:17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

Observation: It is so comfortable to be around other Christians. A blessing to be at church and help at church. You can talk about God and share how he blesses you each day. It is great because I get to share and hear how God is blessing them. It is wonderful to share but my Christian friends already know Jesus, but my purpose is to spread the gospel to those who do not know Him.

Application: To spend time with my Christian brothers and sisters to help me fulfill the purpose God has created us for. Go out of my way to be around those who do not know my Lord and Savior and share what he has done in my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me the opportunities to share your Word. Show me how to touch the life of someone who doesn’t know you today.

Filled with Compassion

Scripture: Mark 1:41 Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man, “I am willing”, he said, “be clean.”

Observation: That is what I should be filled with compassion, but I’m not. Yet Jesus must have seen me while I lived my life with depression, the suicide attempts, the hate, the fear I lived under and he reached out with compassion for me and healed me. He lived his life on earth like any human and he asks me to follow him and do as he did. He calls me to have compassion for others.

Application: I need to stop looking out for only me. Sometimes my mind gets so clouded with what I want I don’t see the needs of others around me. I need to obey God when he says love others as you love yourself. I seem not to do without for myself and now it’s time to help meet the needs of others.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me have compassion for others. Guide me in what you call me to do. May I be obedient and make you proud of your child.

Go and Make Disciples

Scripture: Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Observation: This is my Lord’s command to go and make disciples in the world. He has given us talents and gifts to reach those he puts in our path and all we need is the obedience to do it. Jesus calls us to love God with all of our hearts, to love others and make disciples by using what he has already given us and he tells us he is with us and is going to help. The only thing that keeps us from accomplishing this would be laziness and disobedience.

Application: As I go to my job each day doing my assigned duties for my paycheck I need to think of the duties my Lord and Savior gave to me and put those duties first before anything else in my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide your servant today to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Help me complete the task you set before me in glory and honor to you.

Surely He Is God’s Son

Scripture: Matthew 27:54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God.”

Observation: All that God has done in my life, the miracles He has performed, the love he has for me, I should be proclaiming to others he is the Son of God. The way my life has changed since I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, there is no other answer. My life has changed the way the Bible said it would and all that has happened to me is what was written.

Application: Know that there is no doubt that Jesus is the Son of God and he has made this known to me, my purpose is to proclaim it to others. Telling them only the Son of God could change this sinner to a servant.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all I have. May I proclaim your name to all I come in contact with, may your light shine through me.

Not My Will

Scripture: Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible may this cup be taken from me, yet not as I will, but as you will.”

Observation: God’s will is what I should be living for, but it is normally my will that I follow. I do what is convenient for me and talk myself out of doing what I know God wants of me. If it takes much effort and sacrifice rarely do I do it.

Application: My life was created for a purpose and that is to do God’s will. I need to hold myself accountable to do the will of God. Pray each day for God’s guidance in what He desires of me then do it, even though I might get to bed later, miss doing something I want to do or anything else. My main focus should be doing the will of my Father.

Prayer: dear Lord open my eyes to your will. Make me obedient to your desires and give me the strength and discipline to do what is right in your eyes.

Doing to Others

Scripture: Matthew 25:40 The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Observation: The way I treat others is how I treat Jesus. He tells me in his word the second most important commandment is to love others, a close second to loving God with all my heart. The main way I can prove my love for God is to obey is command. No matter what I do if I don’t love others it shows my lack of love for God.

Application: As I see, talk and think about others I need to remind myself who they are, children of God. I have no right to do anything but love and care for others, anything less is disobedience to God. When I meet someone I need to think of it as an opportunity to bring joy to my Lord and savior.

Prayer: Dear Lord place in my heart the love you have for others. May I be able to love and honor those you put in my path the way you love me.