Doing to Others
Scripture: Matthew 25:40 The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Observation: The way I treat others is how I treat Jesus. He tells me in his word the second most important commandment is to love others, a close second to loving God with all my heart. The main way I can prove my love for God is to obey is command. No matter what I do if I don’t love others it shows my lack of love for God.
Application: As I see, talk and think about others I need to remind myself who they are, children of God. I have no right to do anything but love and care for others, anything less is disobedience to God. When I meet someone I need to think of it as an opportunity to bring joy to my Lord and savior.
Prayer: Dear Lord place in my heart the love you have for others. May I be able to love and honor those you put in my path the way you love me.