One Flesh
Scripture: Mark 10:8 and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one.
Observation: Married to Teri I understand this verse so much better. I feel when I’m apart from her at times something is missing and when we are together I feel complete. Just seeing her brings joy to my heart and we have so much fun together and can accomplish so much more when we do things together.
Application: To be the husband God calls me to be. To love my wife as Christ loves the church. To love my wife and to make sure she feels loved, secure, happy and close to God. God has given me a purpose in my life and I will accomplish it together with my wife as I support her in her purpose.
Prayer: Dear Lord I love you and thank you for my wife. I love her so much and ask how to be the best husband I can be. That I will glorify you by the husband I am for her.