Highly Favored by God
Scripture: Luke 1:28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
Observation: I feel I’m highly favored by God yet I don’t deserve it. I know what I deserve by the way I’ve acted and treated others in the past. The love of God for me is so great and I know He is with me. This is a love I can’t understand, to treat someone so wonderful who is not deserving of it.
Application: Start treating others the way God is treating me. To show love and compassion no matter how they treat me. To honor God with this life He has given me. To love God the way he loves me. To devote the rest of my life pleasing and loving him.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for loving me. I am not worthy of your love and never will be, but draw me near and help me be the man you desire me to be. I love you and you deserve the best I have to offer.