Who Do I Say He Is?
Scripture: Luke 8:20 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “The Christ of God.”
Observation: Who do I say Jesus is? At times my speech and actions proclaim him as Lord, as it should be. Then at other times I feel like Peter denying I know him. The way I live this life, my actions, thoughts and words tell others who Jesus is in my life. If I believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord and proclaim him with my lips I will be saved.
Application: Now I need to proclaim Jesus as Lord and savior each day. My actions, thoughts and words need to be put into action to tell others of his unfailing love for us. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. My purpose is to tell others and to have them draw nearer to God.
Prayer: Dear Lord you are the son of God, the Christ and my Savior. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and give me the strength to proclaim this to the world.