I Was Lost
Scripture: Luke 15:32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found
Observation: That was me, lost. I spent most of my life living my way without concern for God or family. I didn’t care about anything but myself. Then God turned my life around. Putting people in my life, drawing me nearer to him until finally the day came to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I can picture him running down the aisle at church and embracing me that day.
Application: It’s time to get busy and help others realize the love of God and how he waits for them. I should be busy fulfilling my calling of spreading the gospel, bringing others home to the Father.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m weak and sinful. I need the filling of the Holt Spirit and power to do your will. Be with me Lord and guide me tonight as I’m part of the street evangelism team. Open a door for me to witness to someone in your name.