God’s Will Be Done
Scripture: Luke 22:42 “Father if you are willing take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done.”
Observation: There is so many things I would like taken away from me, such as this ringing in my ears, the tiredness, laziness, pain in my neck and shoulders and depression. I just want these things to go away, yet it’s not my will but God the Father. There are things I believe God wants me to do and He will help, like Paul he won’t take everything away, because his grace is sufficient.
Application: I need to pray and ask God’s will for things in my life. Knowing the things I need to change and ask for strength and guidance and help to change things to do his will.
Prayer: My Lord I’m weak and a sinner. Help me to change the things that aren’t honoring to you and make this life a testimony of your grace, mercy and love.