Forgive Them
Scripture: Luke 23:34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
Observation: Jesus forgives even at the point of torture to those that are killing him. I can harbor unforgiveness for the smallest of offenses. My purpose in life is to be more and more like Jesus, to have a kinder heart, a more forgiving nature, make wiser decisions, to be more caring and obedient to my Father. There is nothing anyone can do to me that is worse than what I have done to God and yet he forgives me.
Application: To be more like Jesus. To stop and think before I react, what would Jesus do? To forgive any offenses and to pray to God for strength to be this man God calls me to be.
Prayer: Dear Lord I am a sinner and need your power to become this man that will honor you. Help guide me this day to draw nearer to you. Give me a forgiving heart that may glorify you.