Do I love and Obey?
Scripture: John 14:15 “If you love me, you will obey what I command.
Observation: I tell Jesus I love him each day and yet do I obey His commands? Not always. My laziness, self-centerness, greed and pride stand in the way at times. If I truly love Jesus like I say I do and my desire is to serve and please him I must first obey what he commands. Jesus wants the best for me and died in my place to prove it. Obeying him is my act of love for him.
Application: Before I do anything I need to ask myself does this honor God? Am I obeying his commands am I working with all my heart as working for the Lord, am I loving my neighbor as myself, am I being lustful in thought, am I being honest? These are just some of his commands that I break almost everyday. Everything I do should please God. Think before I act and be obedient.
Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all my love, praise and obedience. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide your servant. I can’t do this alone I am a sinner and weak. Strengthen me to glorify you.