Obeying God’s Word
Scripture: John 17:6 I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed you word.
Observation: The Holy Spirit has revealed to me God in my life. He has touched my heart and mind that I can see clearer yet I desire Him so much more. I am trying to obey the word and place it in my heart to do what is right and pleasing to God, but it seems I always come up short. I belong to Jesus and my Father and I do want to please them and be obedient to the calling they put in my life.
Application: To make sure I am in the Word each day and that I pray to seek God’s direction in my life. I need to know what God desires of me and be obedient in following His plan for my life. I so desire to hear the words will done good and faithful servant and to bring a smile on my Lord’s face.
Prayer: Dear Lord speak to me each day so that I may know you more and your desires for me. I’m here to serve you and to glorify your name. Help me spread the gospel and have others know the love you have for them as you have for me.