I want to be Like Stephen
Scripture: Acts 6:8 Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.
Observation: I would like to have the faith, courage and power that Stephen had. He must have pleased God so much by the man he chose to be. he was full of God’s grace and power because how he lived. God offers that same grace and power to each one of us but we need to accept it and put God first in our life and stand in faith that we may receive it.
Application: I want to live like Stephen by allowing God to work in my life. The wonders and miracles all are from God, but to be able to do those things we must have faith, even as small as a mustard seed. As I serve God and trust him in all things I will draw nearer and be able to experience the things Stephen did.
Prayer: My Lord increase my faith and give me the heart of Stephen, that when you look down on me it would please you. That you would give me the strength, courage and discipline it will take to live a life like Stephen.