Doing Good Persistently
Scripture: Romans 2: [7] To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
Observation: I don’t persistently do good, even though I would like to. I enjoy serving and helping others, but I don’t do it most of the time. I truly love God and do want to honor Him but I put myself first most of the time and I know I shouldn’t. I get lazy, worry about things I shouldn’t and look out for my best interest instead of seeking out the good I should be doing for God.
Application: I’m not going to be here very much longer and my opportunity to live my life in glory to God will end. I’m afraid there are going to be several people I was suppose to witness to that I didn’t because I wasn’t where I was suppose to be. I want to finish the race well but I need to stay on course. This morning I’m going to go to a meeting at church to help organize an outreach to feed the homeless and that is the path I want to be on. I have the gift of eternal life it’s time I show my appreciation to God for this priceless gift.
Prayer: Dear Lord I am unworthy of your love yet you give it to me each day. I’m in love with you, fill me with the Holy Spirit and help me show you how much.