Faith Credited as Righteousness
Scripture: Romans 4:5 However, to the man who does not work, but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.
Observation: Lately my faith has been so weak. Things going on at work and all I seem to be able to do is worry. I didn’t go to my class at church because I felt sick and the sickness is from my fear. Where is my faith? God has always been faithful yet all I seem to focus on is my problems and not my God.
Application: I need to look back on my life to see how my God has been faithful to me. I need to be sure I’m in God’s will and then trust in him that he will deliver me from these troubles on His time. To draw closer to him in prayer, serving and rest in my God’s love and not what is happening in the world.
Prayer: Dear God please forgive me for my lack of faith and fear and redeem this servant of yours. Open my eyes on what your plan is for me not what my plan is. May I live a life in glory and honor to you.