Hope Doesn’t Disappoint
Scripture: Romans 5:5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit , whom he has given us.
Observation: I love that God has poured out his love into our hearts. When I was saved I didn’t love anything or any body, All I cared about was me. After I was saved God poured into my heart love, love for children, homeless and the elderly, He filled me with the Holy Spirit. I started seeing people through his eyes, it was and is so wonderful.
Application: I need to continue to let the Holy Spirit guide me and to stay away from focusing on myself and let the Holy Spirit continue to fill me with love. To reach out to others in Jesus’ name and let that love show to others.
Prayer: Dear Lord thanking for not letting me stay where I was with a hard heart and pouring your love into me. May others see your love through me may I please you and draw closer to you each day.