What Part of the Body Am I?
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
Observation: What a great thought that God arranged the parts of the body and if I do his will he will make me the part He desires me to be. Most of my days are spent second guessing everything I do, forgetting God is guiding my steps and has a plan for my life. To know he placed me where I am, to play a specific part in this life gives me comfort.
Application: To realize God knows where I am and what he desires me to do. To be more observant of what is happening and to seek God’s direction in all that I do. Not to get ahead of myself and be the part of the body God wants me to be and not seek a more prestigious part but do the best at where God has placed me.
Prayer: Dear Father I thank you for always watching over me and creating me for a purpose. I thank you for my church home and the wonderful people you surround me with. May I not grow weary of doing good, but glorify you in all I do.