Do Not Be Anxious
Scripture: Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Observation: Do not be anxious, that is the opposite of me, always worrying about something and everything. My lack of faith must be such a disappointment to my heavenly Father. I pray each day, but can not release my requests and trust in God to take care of me. I am thankful for all God does and I know He wants to do so much more in my life if I let go and let Him.
Application: Know in my heart God is in control and trust Him. Stop worrying and start trusting in him. Take my list of worries and turn it into a prayer list offering it to God each day and be thankful for all He has already given me. Look at my past is a prayer list of what God has already done and thank him always for his love, mercy and grace.
Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith. Take my burdens away from me and clear my thoughts so I may be focused on your desires for this life and glorify your name. Help this servant be the man you call me to be.