Chosen By God
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:4 For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you.
Observation: What I wonderful way to address someone as loved by God, and we are. We are also chosen by God. What an honor that God calls me to be a Christian and that I have been chosen to do specific work for my Father. Loved and chosen, how could I feel bad about myself?
Application: I need to remember who I am for God and not who the world says I am. I have a purpose and have been chosen to do good works and it’s time I get busy and do them. Pray each morning and have God guide me to fulfill the purpose he has created me for.
Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes today to see the things you desire me to see and do the things you called me to do. I am here for you, use me to please you.