Not A Spirit of Fear
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity , but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Observation: Then why do I fear all the time whether it is my job, my finances, my health, my wife and the list goes on. What a disappointment to God I must be at times. Here he has blessed me, protected me and took care of all my needs and gave me the power from the Holy Spirit and I decide to worry instead of trust.
Application: Draw my power from God and not my surroundings and my own insecurity. Know that God wants the best for me and I need to trust that and trust him. It is time to stand strong in the power of the Holy Spirit and finish the race, accomplishing all that God has in store for me.
Prayer: Dear Father forgive this coward and give me strength. Take charge of this life that it might glorify you. Always be with me, guiding and directing my path and show me the way home.