Am I Fighting the Good Fight?
Scripture: 2 Timothy I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Observation: Am I fighting? Am I being a soldier for God or am I complacent and allowing sin to reign in my life? I have a purpose to spread the gospel of Jesus and if done properly it will be a fight, because this world is so corrupt.
Application: I need to put on the armor of God each day and be ready for battle. Stop feeling sorry for myself and realize the mission God has given me and focus on that. Reach the finish line of this life in victory so when I see my Father He will be smiling with joy and receive me with open arms.
Prayer: Dear Father show me how to fight, give me strength to run and help cross the finish line. May I win the crown of righteousness so that I may place it on the alter as a sacrifice to you.